Monday, April 15, 2013

It seems to me that we should always be thinking about the environment, that somewhere in the back of our minds there should be a little notice like: "remember change to LED light bulbs" or " turn off the lights and shut the power down". I was thinking today about our earth and world, and specifically about my vegetarianism. Now don't worry, I'm not some diehard vegetarian who shuns all meat eaters, it's just the way I choose to live, and I respect other people who live differently. But one of the main reasons that I choose not to eat meat, is because of global warming. Beef production especially. Cows on a corn fed diet, tend to release much more methane than cows on a grass fed diet. Not to mention the amount of pollution the factory farms let off. I think that if people would just eat a little bit less meat, not even a lot less, I'm not asking anybody to give up hamburgers or steak, just a little less, then production would go down, and the businesses won't be as large. Of course a lot of people say to me, " Oh, you're only one person" "Oh no, you won't help anything." But I think that eating just a little less meat may just be a small step in the right direction, and that may be all we can handle right now. I've recently watched a great documentary called Forks over knives, all about a completely plant based diet that has helped me learn a lot more about this issue. If you are interested in this issue, you can go to the website, it's just called Forks over I also happen to know that the movie Forks over Knives is on Netflix, if anybody wants to watch it.

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